Grave Yard Bonsai Mountain Skulls are a unique take on “Memento mori” art. “Remember that you can die” in latin, this art aims to remind us of our own mortality, so it’s fitting that these handmade trophies are “cast in PVC plastic and…moulded off a real human skull.” Made by Australian company Jack Of The Dust, these 850 gram, 13x16x22cm skulls be a part of your home for just $399 AUS.
“Jack of the Dust” is an obsolete United States Navy occupational designation. Despite sounding ominous, it was used for the ship’s steward, and “referr[ed] to the dusty atmosphere created by issuing quantities of flour and dried biscuit.” The term is still occasionally used today for a ship’s culinary specialist in charge of the canned goods storeroom.
More info: Jack Of The Dust Facebook | Instagram (H/T: Bored Panda)

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